The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel


The Psychology of Money is a book written by Morgan Housel, exploring the complicated and often irrational ways people think about and use money. Through a blend of stories, personal experiences, and well-researched data, Morgan Housel examines the complex emotions, temptations, and rewards that come with managing money.

Main Topics:

The book covers topics such as money and success, risk and rewards, the effects of government and economic policies, financial decision making, and how people value money. Housel also delves into unseen dangers hidden in the world of finance and offers practical advice on how to make smarter decisions and become a better money manager.

Who Should Read This Book:

This book is ideal for anyone looking to gain insight into the complexities of money. Whether you are a novice or expert, or a student or business person, The Psychology of Money has valuable lessons that are applicable to all audiences.


    • Strong focus on personal financial decision making
    • A wealth of data, stories, and examples to build the case for the topics discussed
    • Practical advice for smarter money management
    • The engaging style makes the book an enjoyable read


    • No exercises to solidify the concepts
    • Some topics are shallow and could easily have been expanded upon

Final Opinion:

The Psychology of Money is an interesting, informative, and absorbing book that is highly recommended for anyone looking to gain insight into how we think and behave when it comes to money. If you’re looking to make better financial decisions, this book is an essential tool.




$20.00 USD

Author Experience:

Morgan Housel is a former financial analyst and Wall Street Journal columnist, educated at the University of Southern California. His work has been featured in theNew York Times, Fortune, WSJ, and MIT Technology Review. He is also the author of The Psychology of Money and The Languages of Money.

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